Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kona Daily-September 29

Kona Daily
Thursday, September 29, 2011

It has been a great year and I count my many blessings for all the amazing experiences I have had in 2011. The Rose Bowl, the Super Bowl, our trip to England to "Meet the Fokkers", Erik returning to the United State of America. Tony & Sabra returning to California.
Training, racing, competing, working, loving, living. A very busy summer racing three half ironman events, and a full Ironman in St. George, Utah.

I competed in the 70.3 World Championship race in Las Vegas last month (where I had a fairly lackluster performance), and now I have the great fortune to be competing in the Hawaii Ironman for the 2nd time. As I write this, I am on United flight #134; LAX to Kona. There is an international contingent on this plane. Triathletes are not too hard to spot. Fortunately, no compression socks spotted as of yet!

We will land in Kona at 6:30pm. First order of business is to grab the luggage, get our rental car, and head to the Kona Brewing Company for some grub, and a Kona Longboard Lager!

Location:Kialua Kona, Hawaii

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